The Story of Rome’s founding is rich with drama, conflict, and family rivalry. Most history classes cover the basics, but the finer details elevate the story from a stale recounting of what transpired, to an energized saga. This detailed retelling will draw heavily upon the writings of the great Roman historian, Livy . Specifically, book one of his Ab Urbe Condita. The story begins a few years before the birth of Romulus and Remus. Their great-grandfather, Proca, ruler of Alba Longa, had two sons, Numitor (their grandfather) and Amulius (their great uncle). Livy tells us: “…Proca, who had two sons, Numitor and Amulius. To Numitor, the elder, he bequeathed the ancient throne of the Silvian house. Violence, however, proved stronger than either the father's will or the respect due to the brother's seniority; for Amulius expelled his brother and seized the crown. Adding crime to crime, he murdered his brother's sons and made the daughter, Rea Silvia, a Vestal virgin; thu...
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